Thursday, March 25, 2010

Expanding Everywhere

So I feel kind of bad because pregnancy, especially your first pregnancy, is something that should be really fun to document and have tons of pictures of. However, I find myself rarely feeling cute enough to LET someone take a picture, and even when I do have a day where I think I'm actually somewhat cute, I see the picture and realize that I am in fact, not cute at all, ending in me deleting said picture. I know pregnant women are supposed to be beautiful but let's face it, I have never felt less attractive in my life. Well, my face is finally clear for a change so that's one perk...but other than that I am expanding everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE. And the fact that I'm short doesn't help because any weight that I gain looks like twice what it would be on a normal person. In all reality, at my last appointment my doctor told me that at halfway through my pregnancy I've only gained like 10 lbs. I was thrilled until I looked in the mirror and thought, I think she meant 10 lbs in my arms, 10 lbs in each thigh, 10 lbs in my butt, 10 lbs in my chest (which really ticks me off-don't get me started) and 10 lbs in my face!!! I'm usually grateful for my Italian family genes and the curves that come with it but this is just ridiculous. Enough already!

Not to mention the fact that I have to change positions every 20 minutes (including sleep) because my old lady hips hurt so bad. Oh, and what they say about pregnant women being forgetful is true. I went to the store the other day to get four things. Four. I went there, got the first thing, then stood there for 20 minutes trying to remember the other three things I needed to get. I finally had to walk around the store hoping the sight of things would spark my memory. I finally got them all but my goodness!

In other exciting news, I got laid off last week. It was kind of a mutual thing because it's real estate and the market sucks and my boss just didn't have enough work for me to do anymore. I always looked forward to the day when I wouldn't have to work anymore but I didn't expect it to come so soon. It's not exactly the best timing, what with a baby on the way and all. I have several more months before this baby is born but it's close enough that no one else is going to hire me. I've decided I want to use this new free time to develop some good habits and routines for myself, be a better housewife, and learn to actually enjoy cooking and baking. Well, I have to learn how to bake, then I'll work on learning to enjoy it. I might even get super domestic and attempt to sew my own curtains. Plus the nursery will be a huge project in and of itself so that will help keep me busy. It just feels so weird to work full time for the last 12 years of my life and then all the sudden be at home all day. It is a daily struggle already to not be a lazy bum and watch movies all day. I'm working on it. :)

Preston is working harder than ever, juggling his classes, projects, exams, internship and new calling as Executive Secretary in our ward. He is such a great example to me of dedication and self-discipline. I have a lot to learn from him. It makes me feel even worse that now I am at home all day while he is gone from like 5:30 am til who knows when working his butt off. I'm so lucky to have such a great guy.

Oh, and I just realized I don't think we ever announced on here that we finally had our first ultrasound a couple of weeks ago and we are having a boy!! I was the only one who thought it was a girl, which means I was the only one who was wrong, which means my pride was a little hurt...but it's all for the best since Preston has been calling it his son for months now. :) He would have loved a girl just as much but he is thrilled to be having a boy. I loved seeing his excitement during the ultrasound as he got to physically see the baby inside of me. He was so enthralled and I loved it. When he got home he made copies of the ultrasound pictures and carried them around with him. He is going to be such a great dad, and a super involved one. I'm really grateful for that.

Anyways, below is a new pregnancy pic of me. I'll have you know it was very depressing and took a lot of will power to post this where people can actually see it. Feel free to feel special.

And here are the first pictures of our son. P.S. since every person I ever talk to every day of my life asks if we have a name yet, the answer is no.


bekahjr said...

you are absolutely ridiculous, do you know that? You DO look gorgeous and beautiful! It is all in your belly. 10 pounds at 1/2 through is AWESOME! I'm going to make you start saying 3 nice things about yourself like old times, ha ha. Anyway, let me know if you succeed in making yourself like to bake/cook, and then there will be hope for me

Leah and family said...

Not everyone enjoys pregnancy and that's ok. You'll just love that baby even more when he's out! Congrats and I know you won't believe it but you look great (and cute)! He'll be here before you know it and you'll be on a whole new adventure.

Brittney said...

You look great! I love pregnant bellies! They are so cute. I just want to squeeze you!

Mandy said...

You look fabulous. And Pregnancy is HARD on not only your body, but your mind. And once he's here, you're gonna love it. Being an at home mom is a different routine to get into, but once you do, it's fabulous. :)

If there's anything you need or if you are bored and want to hang out with a couple crazy kids and their mom, come on over. :) We'd love the company. :)

Maggie said...

CONGRATULATIONS! All I have to say is...Mama Mia...haha. I wish pregnancy would have given me chest curves...but instead I just got the butt, thigh, tummy, arm expansion pack. Whatever. You look great and you are totally a cute pregnant woman. I am excited for you to have a cute little guy. Congrats on getting laid off too! I have to tell you...since I was laid off I have become totally crafy...I'm a maniac! You will be too...I can sense it. If it makes you feel any better I never had a pregnancy photo, except that one weird one where I had to go to the conference with drew a few days before Danielle was born...weird.

Shelli Snyder said...

I wish I were there to hang out and do domestic things with you ... And everyone else is right, you look DARLING. You know me well enough to know I wouldn't say it if I didn't believe it. :)

The Pergola's said...

Amber - you look great! Congrats on your boy. I thought I was having a boy and everyone else said girl...we had a girl, so I totally understand your bruised ego. Hang in there because the end result is SO worth it!

Genevieve said...

Amber, this is Genevieve. And you look beautiful! I know you might not like the way you look, but to everyone else you look great! I'm sorry about getting laid off, though. That's rough. But congrats on the baby! (Oh, and we have a blog...not too exciting, but it's at if you feel like looking.)